After nearly 25 years of testing and development, the world-renowned University of Georgia turfgrass breeding program and the USDA Agricultural Research Service have jointly released TIFTUF™. With additional field testing and comparative evaluation conducted by Texas A&M, Oklahoma State, NC State and the University of Florida, there has never been another bermudagrass released from this program with more data to support its agronomic qualities.


TIFTUF™ was selected for its superior drought and wear tolerance while consistently maintaining excellent turf quality. The Federal Specialty Crop Research Initiative has identified TIFTUF™ as the most drought tolerant bermudagrass, becoming the new standard for all future University drought tolerance testing. Further testing has shown that TIFTUF™ uses 38% less water than Tifway while maintaining better turf quality. Fine textured and dense, TIFTUF™ greens up early and maintains its color well into the fall